Today, as a Western Society, we are more disconnected from others than ever before. National discord is at record breaking levels, and some say we are having a "crisis of connection." I have watched others, time and time again (including myself at times) shrink back rather than join in with people they don't know, whether it's to attend a co-worker's party, ask a neighbor for a baking ingredient or to help jump start their car...or to engage in community social activities designed to build connection (I.e. groups).
-We are wired, as humans, to thrive in connection and in community. If so, then why are we not engaging with others?
-We are wired, as humans, to thrive in connection and in community. If so, then why are we not engaging with others?
We WANT to be our authentic selves. One of our deepest desires is to be liked and loved just as we are, to be understood and to be heard.
All to often our "go to" thought has become one of fear of judgement and rejection by others, so we "shrink" ourselves out of fear or "put on" a protective "social self ". How many of you either hesitate to go to your neighbors' for help or casual conversation? For decades people would connect within their neighborhoods for support and friendship when these things happened, but now, fear of "being a bother" or being judged blocks us from connecting.
I lived MY life in fear of judgement, by my family, by God and by those around me. It didn't feel good, so after graduate school, I began creating social groups to help bring people together, and now supporting deep connection has become my life's work. I have also seen (and experienced within myself) the growing struggle of many to confidently step out to meet new people and try to find these communities.
Individuals and families have a yearning to grow and sustain nurturing, empowering, compassionate and relevant community connections, where they feel their voices are heard, where they don't have to "maintain appearances", and where they have the support needed to facilitate good will and trust.
Many of us didn't learn the skills or gain the inner confidence in our youth to know how to be safely vulnerable. Many of us were actually "wired" from the start for protection because of adverse experiences in birth or childhood, which often meant, we were wired to steer away from connection.
History and science show us that we are wired for connection, and that we thrive when we have connection. Our modern American culture steered us in the opposite direction, applauding and encouraging us to "make it on our own", defining success by how much "stuff" we owned, and modeling language that elevates the individual above group. These patterns are changing.
I lived MY life in fear of judgement, by my family, by God and by those around me. It didn't feel good, so after graduate school, I began creating social groups to help bring people together, and now supporting deep connection has become my life's work. I have also seen (and experienced within myself) the growing struggle of many to confidently step out to meet new people and try to find these communities.
Individuals and families have a yearning to grow and sustain nurturing, empowering, compassionate and relevant community connections, where they feel their voices are heard, where they don't have to "maintain appearances", and where they have the support needed to facilitate good will and trust.
Many of us didn't learn the skills or gain the inner confidence in our youth to know how to be safely vulnerable. Many of us were actually "wired" from the start for protection because of adverse experiences in birth or childhood, which often meant, we were wired to steer away from connection.
History and science show us that we are wired for connection, and that we thrive when we have connection. Our modern American culture steered us in the opposite direction, applauding and encouraging us to "make it on our own", defining success by how much "stuff" we owned, and modeling language that elevates the individual above group. These patterns are changing.
So what am I offering to you? I am committed to fostering deep community, bringing people together, mentoring, bringing elements back from the past and into our modern lives that strengthen trust, build bonds, breathe of compassion and create thriving communities. I'm committed to creating safe spaces, and offering programs and resources that help people from all walks of life get the opportunity to play, nurture themselves, discover how to hold space for others, grow supportive friendship circles and engage in life changing and enhancing neighborhood-based community initiatives.
I launched "The Coaches Community' in March 2021, a place where coaches and other 'healer types" gather in support of each other, and will be expanding that community and launching multiple other communities in 2022. Core to each of these communities is the reality that we are coming together to reimagine and practice (in all of it's messiness) skilled authenticity in safe, nurturing, nonjudgemental and playful spaces that will help us redefine how we relate to everyone in our lives, including ourselves. I can't wait to have you join me on this expansive adventure!
Tracie L. Beasley
Nature to Nurture Life Coaching
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 575-224-2051
Copyright © Nature to Nurture Life Coaching, 2018, All Rights Reserved
Nature to Nurture Life Coaching
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 575-224-2051
Copyright © Nature to Nurture Life Coaching, 2018, All Rights Reserved